Friday, February 11, 2011

Its ok to be bored ..

I have been noticing lately that it has turned into a crime for kids to be bored. It is totally annoying to me that kids walk around with their noses in a Nintendo DS or 8 year olds carrying their iPhone 4 around in their real Coach purse.

Side note .. you should not be able to own a REAL Coach purse until you are old enough to AT LEAST shave your legs. But that is for another blog post on another day.

Driving down the road you look to your left and then right and all you see are kids either watching a DVD in the car, playing with theirs or their parents phone, or playing a video game. What ever happened to counting the cars, making shapes of the clouds, reading a book, or heck ... just RIDING. I dont know why I find this so annoying but it just strikes a nerve with me.

I feel like technology is consuming so many childhoods that kids are not kids anymore. They go from womb 15 years old over night.

I have made a huge effort this week to keep Coleman away from the TV. I am not going to lie, I have been one to get off from work and be totally exhausted, pop a movie in or turn on some cartoons and bring on the peace and quiet! I don't know about your kids, but whenever mine is in front of the TV he is ZONED OUT!

I think he started to associate being home with watching TV .. that EVERYTIME you are home you should be watching TV.Which is SO not ok! Forget about the thousands (ok maybe hundreds?) of dollars worth of toys in your room .. he rather watch TV.

Maybe this all has to do with this winter being SO cold you just cant get outside and do anything. So I'm hoping it will all turn around when he starts t-ball in a few weeks and we actually have a schedule.

Ok.. my ranting and raving is done =)

1 comment:

  1. We take the iPad to dinner so we can get some peace :) it's so nice. Lol
