Friday, July 2, 2010

Blessing for the day

"Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass. It is about learning how to dance in the rain"
Sometimes we just get so sucked into our world and our problems and issues are like huge weights hanging over our shoulders. Then something always happens that makes you snap into the reality of someone, somewhere has it WAY worse than I do. I am sitting here worried about what I am going to do for the 4th and why I cant get this outfit when others are wondering where they are going to get money to feed their children, clothes to put on their backs or shelter over their heads.
We are all very blessed in many different ways.
Make the most of it. Be all you can be. Live your life. Make an everlasting inprint on the world and those around you. Anyone can leave a footprint in the sand, but it's only those that are larger that are remembered.
Afterall, there is only one YOU.

1 comment:

  1. I think about Rachael ALL the time and when I have something "horrible" happen I think about how much, much worse her situation is and I take a step back and quit feeling so sorry for myself. If she can be SO strong through something SO horrible then I can be strong through all my little crap ya know?
