I have been praying with Coleman at bedtime since he was a a little baby.
It is really fun now that he is older because he will suggest it if I forget. It is the cutest thing.
This is the prayer we pray:
"Now I lay me down to sleep,
I pray the Lord my soul to keep.
May God protect me through the night
and wake me with his morning light
Before the "amen" we always bless whatever he wants to bless. Normally it goes something like this...
..regular prayer above..then..
"God bless mommy, and Coleman, and Aaron. God bless MiMi and Pawpaw and Nana and Robby. God bless the wall and the paint. God bless Uncle Bobby and his truck and his golf cart. God bless the windows and all my friends. God bless Granny and Big Daddy and their dog. Amen"
so good to remember these special moments!!!!